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Información sobre Navegadores e Inscripción

There is Florida law regarding the registering and regulation of the “Navigator” position created by federal health care reform. The law states:

  • Individuals acting as a "navigator" under the PPACA are required to be registered with the Florida Department of Financial Services (DFS).
  • Para registrarse como navegador, el individuo debe:
    • Ser una persona naturalizada de al menos 18 años de edad;
    • Ser ciudadano de los Estados Unidos o extranjero legal que posea autorización para trabajar otorgada por la Oficina de Ciudadanía y Servicios Migratorios de los Estados Unidos;
    • Enviar la solicitud de registro al responder todas las preguntas y pagar los cargos para completar la solicitud en línea;
    • Provide official certification that he or she has successfully completed all required training by the federal government and has been certified by them as a Marketplace Navigator for the current or upcoming enrollment period. The certificate of completion that states it is "not an official certification record" is not sufficient. Please provide the official certificate that has the navigator's unique ID number assigned by HHS and the organization whose grant they are operating under. This certificate can be uploaded in the person's Mi Perfil account;
    • Enviar las huellas dactilares para verificación de antecedentes penales, y
    • Certain crimes would either permanently bar an individual from registration or disqualify an applicant for specified periods.
  • Al navegador se le prohíbe:
    • Solicitar, negociar o vender seguros de salud;
    • Recomendar la compra de un plan de salud particular o manifestar que un determinado plan de salud es preferible a otro;
    • Recomendar o ayudar a cancelar la cobertura de seguro comprada fuera del Intercambio;
    • Recibir compensación o algún tipo de valor por parte de una aseguradora, plan de salud, empresa o consumidor que estuviera relacionada con la realización de actividades como navegador, que no sean aquellas del Intercambio o de una entidad o individuo que haya recibido una subvención para navegador según la PPACA.
  • Grounds for suspension or revocation of registration and authorizes DFS to impose an administrative fine in lieu of, or in addition to suspension or revocation.
  • Toda persona que actúe como un navegador sin registro está sujeta a una multa administrativa que no excederá los $1,500.
  • If a navigator registered by Florida DFS fails to maintain an active, valid navigator’s status with the Federal Government, the navigator’s registration issued by Florida DFS shall expire by operation of law. A navigator with an expired registration may not be granted subsequent registration until the navigator qualifies as a first-time applicant.

Navigators are required to adhere to strict security and privacy standards – including how to safeguard a consumer’s personal information. They are required to complete training by the federal government to be certified, will take additional federal training throughout the year, and will renew their federal certification yearly. All types of enrollment assisters – including Certified Application Counselors and agents/brokers – are required to complete specific training and are subject to federal criminal penalties for violations of privacy or fraud statutes, on top of any relevant state law penalties.

Aquellos interesados en convertirse en Navegadores deben  contact the entities that are awarded Navigator grants by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for potential employment opportunities. Navigators are not hired directly by the federal government or the Marketplace. General information on the navigator program can be found on the In-personal Assistance in the Health Insurance Marketplace website.

The training curriculum for Navigators is available on the Marketplace website. Tenga en cuenta que por completar el currículum de navegador federal, un individuo no califica automáticamente para convertirse en navegador.

Los Consejeros de Inscripción Certificados del Mercado no deben registrarse como navegadores del Departamento de Servicios Financieros (DFS) de la Florida, ya que no son regulados por el DFS. Si usted es un Consejero de Inscripción certificado del Mercado, no se inscriba como navegador de la Florida.

If you are currently registered in Florida as a navigator, you do not need to re-apply, re-qualify, or re-register with the DFS. Please be sure to check your registration status via your MyProfile account. You only need to email your Marketplace Navigator certificate for the next enrollment period to the Department or you may upload it via your MyProfile account.

Información de Contacto para Servicios Humanos y de Salud

If you wish to access information from the Federal Government, such as information regarding the Federally facilitated Marketplace or Health Insurance Exchange, please go to their website at

FFM Agent/Broker Training

Annual FFM Registration Requirements

All agents and brokers participating in the FFM must complete registration on the CMS Enterprise Portal at (i.e., create an FFM user account, select the agent/broker role, and complete identity proofing) if they have not done so previously.

To continue participation in the Federally facilitated Individual Marketplace each year, agents and brokers must also complete a Marketplace Learning Management System (MLMS) profile, complete the required training and exams, and execute the Individual Marketplace Agreements (i.e., General and Privacy & Security Agreement). To begin this process, agents and brokers must log in to the CMS Enterprise Portal at with their existing credentials.

To continue participation in the Federally facilitated SHOP Marketplace each year, agents and brokers must also complete an MLMS profile and execute the FF-SHOP Agreement and are strongly encouraged to complete the associated training and exams.  To begin this process, agents and brokers must log in to the CMS Enterprise Portal at with their existing credentials.

¿Tiene Preguntas?

Check out the information our División de Servicios al Consumidor has on its website.

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