CFO Jimmy's Patronis' Seal

Definiciones Clave

Los estatutos y las normas administrativas que rigen el programa de depósitos públicos de la Florida incluyen muchas definiciones importantes, pero las siguientes definiciones clave deben estudiarse en profundidad.

"Unidad gubernamental" significa el estado o un condado, distrito escolar, distrito de universidad comunitaria, universidad estatal, distrito especial, gobierno metropolitano o municipalidad, incluida toda agencia, junta, oficina, comisión o institución de estas entidades, además de todo tribunal.

"Depósito público" significa el dinero del estado o de cualquier universidad estatal, condado, distrito escolar, distrito de universidad comunitaria, distrito especial, gobierno metropolitano o municipalidad, incluida toda agencia, junta, oficina, comisión o institución de los antes mencionados, además de todo tribunal, e incluye el dinero de todos los funcionarios del condado, incluidos los funcionarios constitucionales, que se depositan en un banco, banco de ahorros o asociación de ahorros. Esto incluye, entre otros, cuentas de depósito a plazo fijo, cuentas de depósito a demanda y certificados de depósito no negociables. El dinero en notas de depósito y en otras cuentas que no sean de depósito, como operaciones de readquisición o readquisición inversa no son depósitos públicos. Los valores, fondos mutuos y tipos similares de inversiones no son depósitos públicos y no quedan sujetos a este capítulo.

Qualified public depository” means a bank, credit union, savings bank, or savings association that:
(a) Is organized and exists under the laws of the United States, or the laws of this state, or the laws of any other state or territory of the United States.
(b) Has its principal place of business in this state or has a branch office in this state which is authorized under the laws of this state or of the United States to receive deposits in this state.
(c) Is insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund
(d) Has procedures and practices for accurate identification, classification, reporting, and collateralization of public deposits.
(e) Makes determinations about the provision of services or the denial of services based on an analysis of risk factors unique to each customer or member. This paragraph does not restrict a qualified public depository that claims a religious purpose from making such determinations based on the religious beliefs, religious exercise, or religious affiliations of a customer or member.
(f) Does not engage in the unsafe and unsound practice of denying or canceling its services to a person, or otherwise discriminating against a person in making available such services or in the terms or conditions of such services, on the basis of:
1. The person’s political opinions, speech, or affiliations;
2. Except as provided in paragraph (e), the person’s religious beliefs, religious exercise, or religious affiliations;
3. Any factor if it is not a quantitative, impartial, and risk-based standard, including any such factor related to the person’s business sector; o
4. The use of any rating, scoring, analysis, tabulation, or action that considers a social credit score based on factors including, but not limited to:

a. The person’s political opinions, speech, or affiliations.
b. The person’s religious beliefs, religious exercise, or religious affiliations.c. The person’s lawful ownership of a firearm.d. The person’s engagement in the lawful manufacture, distribution, sale, purchase, or use of firearms or ammunition.e. The person’s engagement in the exploration, production, utilization, transportation, sale, or manufacture of fossil fuel-based energy, timber, mining, or agriculture.f. The person’s support of the state or Federal Government in combating illegal immigration, drug trafficking, or human trafficking.g. The person’s engagement with, facilitation of, employment by, support of, business relationship with, representation of, or advocacy for any person described in this subparagraph.h. The person’s failure to meet or commit to meet, or expected failure to meet, any of the following as long as such person is in compliance with applicable state or federal law:(I) Environmental standards, including emissions standards, benchmarks, requirements, or disclosures;(II) Social governance standards, benchmarks, or requirements, including, but not limited to, environmental or social justice;(III) Corporate board or company employment composition standards, benchmarks, requirements, or disclosures based on characteristics protected under the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992; or(IV) Policies or procedures requiring or encouraging employee participation in social justice programming, including, but not limited to, diversity, equity, or inclusion training.(g) Meets all the requirements of this chapter.(h) Has been designated by the Chief Financial Officer as a qualified public depository.