CFO Jimmy's Patronis' Seal

QPD Designation Application Materials

In order to be designated as a Qualified Public Depository (QPD), financial institutions must meet the requirements outlined in Capítulo 280, Estatutos de la Florida y Capítulo 69C-2, Código Administrativo de la Florida.

To support these requirements, the following forms must be completed and submitted by the applying financial institution. To receive a copy of these forms along with various other important documents relating to the Public Deposits Program, please email your request to  

  1. Acuerdo de Responsabilidad Aleatoria ("CLA")
  2. Acuerdo de Control de Garantías ("CCA")
  3. Resoluciones del Depositario Público Calificado (model form) o certified copies of either:
    1. The minutes of a board meeting evidencing adoption of a resolution by the organization’s board of directors authorizing the individual signing the form by name or title to sign such a document on behalf of the organization;
    2. The organization’s charter, constitution, bylaws, or other evidence of the governing body, authorizing the individual signing the form by name or title to sign such a document on behalf of the organization;
  4. Declaración de Certificación Para Depositarios Públicos Calificados

To assist in the department's review of the application, financial institutions may elect to submit the  Información del Solicitante or provide a letter to our office that provides all of the information requested on the model form including your company's legal name and other identifying information, the contact persons for your company, and replies to several questions that must be satisfied under Chapter 280, Florida Statutes, for status as a QPD.

Once the application materials have been submitted and accepted as complete, an applicant would need to complete the  Depósito de Garantías form for its initial collateral pledge and submit the form to its custodian with a copy filed with our office. Florida's public deposits program includes minimum required collateral ("MRC") of $100,000 even if a QPD holds no Florida public deposits. Once the custodian provides a safekeeping receipt of the initial pledge of collateral, our office will approve the application for designation.