CFO Jimmy's Patronis' Seal
457b Roth

457b Roth is Here!

The Florida Deferred Compensation Plan (Plan), now, allows 457b Pre-Tax and 457b Roth (post-tax) payroll contributions. 457b Roth payroll contributions are made on a post-tax basis and give you more flexibility when it comes to meeting your retirement income goals and securing your financial future.

The new 457b Roth payroll contribution option does not change how much you can contribute to the Plan. Both 457b Pre-Tax and 457b Roth payroll contributions are combined and subject to Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 457b limits. You can contribute to both 457b Pre-Tax and 457b Roth in the same year in any proportion you choose and continue to utilize the same excellent investment options for your contributions. By having both options, you have more control over when your payroll contributions and retirement income will be subject to Federal Income Tax. 


Enroll Now Button

Are you not enrolled in the Plan? Inscribirse Ahora and start saving for retirement via 457b Pre-Tax or 457b Roth contributions or both.

Increase Contributions Button

Current Participants wishing to make 457b Roth payroll contributions to their current Investment Provider(s) can use the Increase Contributions Form to start contributing to 457b Roth.

Join a 457b Roth Workshop!

The Bureau of Deferred Compensation invites you to register for an upcoming workshop that will cover an overview of the Plan to include both the 457b Pre-Tax and 457b Roth payroll contribution options.

Who would benefit from these workshops?

  • New Hires/Established Employees
  • Full-Time/Part-Time/OPS Employees
  • Current Plan Participants
  • Employees Not Currently Participating in the Plan
  • Employees Getting Ready to Retire
  • Employees Entering/Exiting DROP
Workshops will cover:

  • What is the Florida Deferred Compensation Plan?
  • What Does it Mean to Bridge the Savings Gap?
  • Key Benefits
  • Payroll Contributions including a Comparison of Pre-Tax vs. Roth
  • Florida Deferred Compensation Plan Investment Options
  • Overview of Pre-Tax/Roth Investing
  • Available Plan Resources
  • Distributions




457b Roth FAQ







457b Roth FAQ (PDF)

A printable PDF version of the 457b Roth FAQ is available.

This website is intended to provide information about the State of Florida's Government Employees Deferred Compensation Plan. It is not intended as investment, legal, or accounting advice. If investment advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. For changes to your account, go to your Investment Provider's website and log in using the ID and password you created for that Investment Provider.